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AUZEF – İngilizce-2/ Ünite-6 Testi

İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi

ingilizce-2 Ünite-6

1. I'm ........... already, so please don't waste my time!

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) busy enough

2. Can all of you be quiet ? The classroom is ......... right now.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: D) too noisy

3. There aren't .......... for everybody to sit.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) enough chairs

4. Oww! The coffee is....... to drink, so I have to wait to drink it.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: B) too hot

5. I promise I...................... to you again!

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: B) won't lie

6. I can't come with you. I ................................early this evening.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) am going to sleep

7. This hot chocolate isn't sweety .................. Can I have some sugar?

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) enough

8. I have an exam tomorrow and I notes this evening.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: D) go over

9. The fire ………….after the firefighters attempted it.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) went out

10. She always wears stylishly. She thinks brown …………blue.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) goes with

İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar:Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boşluklara gelecek ifadeyi seçiniz.
1-John has got ……………… money to buy a new car.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: b. enough
2-We have……………… many flowers at office. Don’t buy more!
a. too b. enough
Cevap: a. too
3-Paul’s horse is ……………… slow to win the race.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: a. too
4-There is ……………… .time. Go to your room and think it over.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: b. enough
5-The film is ……………… boring to watch.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: a. too
6-We are ……………… busy to go to the party.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: a. too
7-He’s ……………… young to play this computer game.
a. too b. enough
Cevap:a. too
8-Dave is tall ……………… to reach that shelf.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: b. enough
9-The weather isn’t hot ……………… today to wear a T-shirt.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: b. enough
10-They aren’t responsible……………… to look after a little baby.
a. too b. enough
Cevap: b. enough
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar: Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boşluklara gelecek ifadeyi seçiniz.
1-There aren’t ……… to finish the report.
a. hours enough b. enough hours
Cevap: b. enough hours
2-He isn’t …….. to buy cigarettes.
a.old enough b. enough old
Cevap: b. enough old
3-The room isn’t …….. for everybody.
a. big enough b. enough big
Cevap: a. big enough
4-He isn’t …….. to get into that university.
a. enough clever b. clever enough
Cevap: b. clever enough
5-She can’t get ……. to win the election.
a. enough votes b. votes enough
Cevap: a. enough votes
6-He hasn’t got ………. to apply for this job.
a. enough qualifications b. qualifications enough
Cevap: a. enough qualifications
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
“very” sözcüğü sadece sıfatların önüne gelerek “çok” anlamı katar. Hem olumlu hem olumsuz anlamda kullanılabilir. Ancak aşırılık anlamı olmadığı için bir duruma engel olmaz.Örnek;

“The exam is too difficult, so Jim can’t pass it.” cümlesinde sınavın aşırı zor olması ve Jim’in bu sınavı geçmesinin imkansız olması durumu vardır. Sınavın aşırı zorluğu, Jim’in sınavı geçmesine engel olmuştur.

Ancak aşağıdaki örneğe baktığımızda,

“The exam is very difficult, but Jim can pass it.” cümlesinde sınavın çok zor olduğu ancak Jim’in sınavı geçmesine engel olacak kadar zor olmadığı ve bu zorluğun bir duruma engel olmadığı anlamı vardır.


very+ adjective (sıfat)

The film is very boring but there is nothing to watch on TV. -Film çok sıkıcı ama televizyonda izleyecek hiçbirşey yok.

Jane is very polite. She always gives her seat to old people. -Jane çok kibardır. O her zaman yaşlı insanlara yer verir.

İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar: Aşağıdaki boşlukları “very”, “too” ve “enough” ile doldurunuz.
1-The pizza was …………..spicy to eat. I can’t eat it, sorry.
Cevap: too
2-I am …………….tired today but I feel OK anyway.
Cevap: very
3-Is this box light ……………..for you? Can you carry it?
Cevap: enough
4-Do you have …………… for emergencies?
Cevap: enough
5-Angela is ………………..slim, but she still looks beautiful.
Cevap: very
6-Don’t worry. The exam is …………..difficult, but we can pass it.
Cevap: very
7-I’m ……………..interested in history.
Cevap: very
8-We are ………… sleepy, so we shouldn’t drive the car right now.
Cevap: too
9-Thank you ……………..much for your nice words.
Cevap: very
10-I am sorry, dear. This computer is ……………..expensive for us to buy
Cevap: too
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar:Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boşluklara gelecek ifadeyi seçiniz.
1-Are there …………… bones to feed ten dogs?
a. too b. enough c.much d. very
Cevap: b. enough
2-Susan is strong ………….. to carry these heavy bags.
a. too b. enough c. many d. much
Cevap: b. enough
3-I can’t go to the club because I’m ………………. busy.
a. too b. much c. many d. enough
Cevap: a. too
4-David isn’t brave…………….. to kill a hen.
a. too b. much c. many d. enough
Cevap: d. enough
5-Betty is ………………..old to remember everything.
a. too b. enough c. many d. much
Cevap: a. too
6-I’ve got ………………time to finish this exercise.
a. many b. too c. enough d. very
Cevap: c. enough
7-Don’t prepare ………………sandwiches.
a. too b. too many c.very d. too much
Cevap: b. too many
8-This soup is ……………… salty. I can’t finish it.
a. too b. enough c. too many d. much
Cevap: a. too
9-Nicole uses ………………pepper when she cooks.
a. too b. enough c. too many d. too much
Cevap: d. too much
10-My meal is warm ………………to eat.
a. too b. enough c. too many d. too much
Cevap: b. enough
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar: Aşağıdaki cümleleri “very”, “too”, “enough” ile doldurunuz.
1-The coffee is …… but it is very good.
Cevap: very
2-Is she tall………to reach the cookies?
Cevap: enough
3-He is ………..fat to fit into those clothes.
Cevap: too
4-You are not old ………….to go to the party.
Cevap: enough
5-I think it is……….late to go out.
Cevap: too
6-Don’ spend ………much time on these activities.
Cevap: too
7-Everybody says he is a …..intelligent man.
Cevap: very
8-I have ……………. coffee right now, thank you.
Cevap: enough
9-The exam is ………..difficult but I think it will be OK.
Cevap: very
10-It is ……………..easy. You can do it.
Cevap: very
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Phrasal Verbs with GO
İngilizcede sayısız fiil içinde bir de “fiil + preposition” ile oluşan “phrasal verb” denilen fiiller vardır. Bunlar fiilin yanına gelen “preposition” larla (on, in, off, by, away…) farklı anlamlar taşır.
Bu bölümde “go” fiili ile olan bazı phrasal verb leri görelim;
GO AWAY = leave (bir yerden ayrılmak, gitmek)
Go away from here, and don’t come back again!
GO BACK = return (dönmek, geri gelmek)
Are you going back to school?
GO BY= to pass. (geçmek)
Go ahead and go by the market!
GO DOWN = decrease or reduce (azalmak)
The cost of gas is going down.
GO INTO = discuss in detail or at length (detaylı tartışmak)
She is going into the reasons for his death.
GO OFF = A. explode B. begin, start (with alarms or signals) C. become angry quickly D. stop (of a machine) (A. patlamak B. bir işaretle başlamak C. çabuk sinirlenmek D. bir makinenin durması)
A. The bomb can go off at any moment.
B. The alarm clock goes off and I wake up every day.
C. He goes off when he sees Tom. He doesn’t like Tom.
D. The generator goes off when the electricity starts working again.
GO ON = A. continue B. happen (A. devam etmek, B. meydana gelmek)
A. Go on! I am listening to you.
B. What is going on in these days?
GO ON WITH = continue as planned (planlandığı gibi gitmek)
I think we should go on with the lesson after the break.
GO OUT = A. fire stops burning (ateşin sönmesi), B. social activities (dışarı çıkmak); C. go out with: date (biriyle çıkmak)
A. The fire goes out when it rains.
When the electricity goes out, the lights stop working.
B. They love going out to the movies at the weekends .
Every weekend I go out with my friends.
C. Jane has a boyfriend. She is going out with Bill.
I’m not going out with anyone. I’m single.
GO OVER = A. review (A. gözden geçirmek)
A. Do you usually go over the tests in class?
GO WITH = A. match or suit B. accompany someone (A. uymak, yakışmak, B birine eşlik etmek,
A. That blouse doesn’t go with that skirt. My shirt and pants are both blue. They go with each other.
B. I can go with you to school.
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar: Aşağıdaki cümlelere uygun “GO” phrasal verb fiillerini yerleştiriniz.
1- Prices go………………after the holidays, but nobody has any money to buy anything. down/with
Cevap: down
2- Let’s go ………………. the lesson. We shouldn’t waste any more time. on with/ back
Cevap: on with
3- Don’t go ………………. and start yelling at me again! Just leave. Get out of here! away/off
Cevap: off
4- He doesn’t go ……………….any detail. He just says he has got a problem. out/into
Cevap: into
5- Susan is going …………..Peter. They may get married. out with/in
Cevap: out with
6- She is going ………….. sleeping. Don’t talk loudly. off/on
Cevap: on
7. We might not go ………………. home because there is too much snow. back/along with
Cevap: back
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
Alıştırmalar: Aşağıdaki cümlelere uygun “GO” phrasal verb fiillerini yerleştiriniz.
1-Be quiet! The lesson is going ……………………. ! on/by
Cevap: on
2-Go…………. the school and turn right. The market is on the corner. on/by
Cevap: by
3-The alarm will go ……………………. when you open that door. out/off
Cevap: off
4-One sock is red and the other is black. They don’t go…………….. each other. over/with
Cevap: with
5-John likes going……………………. his girlfriend on Saturday nights. out with/ out
Cevap: with
6-Before we do a presentation, we need to go…………it. on/over
Cevap: over
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
1. I’m ……….. already, so please don’t waste my time!

A) busy enough

B) enough busy

C) too many busy

D) too much busy

Cevap: A) busy enough
2. Can all of you be quiet ? The classroom is ……… right now.

A) noisy too

B) enough noisy

C) too much noisy

D) too noisy

Cevap: D) too noisy
3. There aren’t ………. for everybody to sit.

A) enough chairs

B) too chairs

C) very chairs

D) chairs enough

Cevap: A) enough chairs
4. Oww! The coffee is……. to drink, so I have to wait to drink it.

A) hot enough

B) too hot

C) enough hot

D) too cold.

Cevap: B) too hot
5. I promise I…………………. to you again!

A) am not going to lie

B) won’t lie

C) will lie

D) don’t lie

Cevap: B) won’t lie
6. I can’t come with you. I …………………………..early this evening.

A) am going to sleep

B) will sleep

C) sleep

D) is sleeping

Cevap: A) am going to sleep
7. This hot chocolate isn’t sweety ……………… Can I have some sugar?

A) too

B) very

C) enough

D) too many

Cevap: C) enough
8. I have an exam tomorrow and I will…………… notes this evening.

A) go with

B) go away

C) go back

D) go over

Cevap: D) go over
9. The fire ………….after the firefighters attempted it.

A) went out

B) b.went off

C) c. went on

D) went back

Cevap: A) went out
10. She always wears stylishly. She thinks brown …………blue.

A) goes out with

B) goes away

C) goes with

D) goes over

Cevap: C) goes with
İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi
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İngilizce-2 Ünite-6 Testi

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