Auzef İngilizce-1 Ünite-3 (2018-2019)

1. He ................ a dog. The dog...............a small house.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) has got/has got

2. My father and my mother ................ two children.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) have got

3. My grandma ................ three children.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) has got

4. Ali’s mother................ a big house.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: D) has got

5. You and Angela are................ best friend. I love you!

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) my

6. It is my father’s car. It is................ car.

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) his

7. A: What time is it? B: It is................. (06:05) Saat Altıyı Beş geçiyor

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: A) five past six

8. My father’s father is my…………..

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) grandfather

9. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru yazılmıştır?

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: B) It is girl's shoes

10. What colour is it?(Turuncu)

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: C) orange

11. Hangisi bir yönüyle diğerlerinden farklıdır?

Correct! Wrong!

Cevap: D) uncle

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