Açık Liseİngilizce

502-İngilizce -8

502-İngilizce -8

Açık Lise 502 İngilizce-8-2021

502-İngilizce -8

…….are unwanted, harmful stuff contaminating the environment.

Cevap : pollutants

…….I came home, my mother was working in the garden.

Cevap : when

…….means contamiantion of the air such that it becomes dangerous to the health when it is breathed it.

Cevap : air pollution

…….means great in scale or degree, enormous.

Cevap : huge

…….Michael doesn’t have Money, he can’t but that house.

Cevap : since

A…….is a website where someone regularly records them thoughts etc.

Cevap : blog

Alan:…………….I borrow your eraser, please?
Jane: I’m sorry. I don’t have one.

Cevap : could

Allen wrote a/an….letter to the municipality about the problems in her neighbourhood.

Cevap : complaint

Angela is very lucky. She managed to……from a plane crash last year.

Cevap : survive

Anna: I could buy the house…….it was very expensive. I’m so happy.
Ashley: Oh really? How lucky you are!

Cevap : although

Asking for a favor Asking for price
…………?……………. Could you tell me how much it costs?

Cevap : is it OK if I use your phone

By entering the URL, you can…….web pages.

Cevap : Access

Carla: What do you think about smartphones?
Julia: I think they make our communication easier….faster.

Cevap : and

Don’t go out…….you feel bad.

Cevap : if

George: Can I speak to you for a moment?

Cevap : of course. What about?

Harry: why is renewable energy preferable?
Martha: Because it……………

Cevap : has no bad environment impact

Have you ever …………. Money to a charity organization?

Cevap : donated

I think we shouldn’t …….to prevent pollution in the park.

Cevap : drop litter around

[the_ad id=”26994″]

I will…….a cup of coffee if you would like some.

Cevap : make

I wish I………….Mary of stealing my Money. I found the Money in my pocket last night.

Cevap : hadn’t accused

I wish my friends…….here now.

Cevap : were

I would go to the cinema with you tonight but I…….an important exam tomorrow.

Cevap : have

I’m maly sorry. I didn’t mean to……you.

Cevap : hurt

I’m so happy. I could buy the house……it was very expensive.

Cevap : although

I…….to this neighborhood in January.

Cevap : moved

If I…….I’ll, I wouldn’t go out.

Cevap : were

If you…….iron, it expands.

Cevap : heat

It is a/an……….. (Resimde dron kamera gözüküyor)

Cevap : drone camera

It was a well-paid job…….Rose accepted the job when they called.

Cevap : so

Joe: Henry, we are in trouble! The car doesn’t work.
Joe: there is no petrol.

Cevap : what’s wrong with it.

Joy: …….?
Mel: In London

Cevap : where were you born

Lily: There aren’t enough street lamps in our park. There is no security, too.
Thomas: You are right. There must be security staff and more street lamps there.
Thomas suggests …….offers to the problem.

Cevap : solution

Luis wishes he……rose’s phone number. He would telephone and invite her to the concert.

Cevap : knew

Waiter: Of course, sir. I2ll just go and get it for you.

Cevap : could I have the bill please

Cindy: I think using social network is the best way.

Cevap : how do you usually keep in touch with your friends.

Tom: No problem. I can help you

Cevap : could you help me with my homework

Our park is full of litter so there is a terrible smell. I suggest that the …….should be collected every day
to prevent this smell.

Cevap : garbage

Our school is……in the middle of our town.

Cevap : located

Carol: Of course! The remote’s on the table.

Cevap : do you mind if I turn on the TV

Smartphones can be …….for both communication and many computer related operations.

Cevap : used

Steve: Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?
Daisy: No,………….

Cevap : only 1 or 2 hours a day

Technological…….such as smart phones, tavlet PCs, portable chargers and smart watches make our
life beter and easier.

Cevap : devices

The letters……. By the secretary yesterday.

Cevap : were written

The pilot made a/an……. Telling us to prepare for landing.

Cevap : announcement

The poster is about a…….organization. (Resimde Afrika’ya yardım konusu var)

Cevap : charity

The poster is about……. (Resimde kalp ve ağaç gözüküyor)

Cevap : nature

Thomas:…………you mind working late tonight?
Eric: No problem

Cevap : would

To reduce the risk of climate change, we should………..

Cevap : use clean energy sources

Tony: Would you mind turning down the heater?
Tony: Thank you Mel.

Cevap : no problem

We should…….seat to old people.

Cevap : give

We shouldn’t…….to protect the animals.

Cevap : pollute the air

While Jane was walking down the street, she………..an old friend.

Cevap : bumped into

Wind and water turbines are used to generate ……..

Cevap : energy

You’re in a room with your friend. It2s very cold in the room and you would like to close the window. Bu durumda söylenebilecek en uygun ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

Cevap : is it OK if I close the window?

502-İngilizce -8

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