Ata Aöf İngilizceAta Aöf Yabancı DilAta-Aöf

Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1 Ünite -9

How Long Have You Been Living In Erzurum?

#1. A: ----------- have you been working? B: For two hours.

Cevap : b) How long

#2. A: How long have you been working at this university? B: Since ---------- .

Cevap : a) I graduated in 2000.

#3. This week, I ---------- three books.

Cevap : b) have read

#4. I have been writing this report --------- three hours.

Cevap : a) for

#5. A: ---------- you been watching TV? B: For five hours.

Cevap : d) How long have

#6. What ---------- doing lately?

Cevap : b) have you been

#7. I have ---------- since the morning.

Cevap : c) been waiting

#8. He --------- ill for two weeks.

Cevap : e) has been feeling

#9. So far, I ---------- a kangaroo.

Cevap : a) have never seen

#10. You are tired. What ---------- doing?

Cevap : a) have you been




Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1
Ünite – 9

How Long Have You Been Living In Erzurum?

Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1
Ünite – 9

How Long Have You Been Living In Erzurum?

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How Long Have You Been Living In Erzurum?

How Long Have You Been Living In Erzurum?

Yabancı Dil 1

Ünite -9

1. You are tired. What ———- doing?

a) have you been
b) have been
c) have you being
d) you have been
e) have you

Cevap : a) have you been

2. I have ———- since the morning.

a) waiting
b) wait
c) been waiting
d) been wait
e) be waiting

Cevap : c) been waiting

3. He ——— ill for two weeks.

a) has feeling
b) has feel
c) has be feeling
d) feeling
e) has been feeling

Cevap : e) has been feeling

4. A: ———- you been watching TV?
B: For five hours.

a) How
b) How have
c) How you
d) How long have
e) How long have been

Cevap : d) How long have

5. A: How long have you been working at this university?
B: Since ———- .

a) I graduated in 2000.
b) I have graduated.
c) I have been graduating.
d) I graduates.
e) have graduated.

Cevap : a) I graduated in 2000.

6. I have been writing this report  ——— three hours.

a) for
b) yet
c) already
d) up to now
e) since

Cevap : a) for

7. What  ———- doing lately?

a) have you being
b) have you been
c) you have being
d) you have been
e) are you been

Cevap : b) have you been

8. A: ———– have you been working?
B: For two hours.

a) How
b) How long
c) How much
d) How often
e) How many

Cevap : b) How long

9. This week, I ———- three books.

a) have been reading
b) have read
c) read
d) having been read
e) reading

Cevap : b) have read

10. So far, I ———- a kangaroo.

a) have never seen
b) have never been seeing
c) have never see
d) never see
e) never been seeing

Cevap : a) have never seen

Atatürk Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce 1 Güz dönemi

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