Ata Aöf İngilizceAta Aöf Yabancı DilAta-Aöf

Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1 Ünite -8

Where’s He Gone?

#1. I Have studied at university for two years, so this is my …… year at university.

Cevap : c) third

#2. I haven’t finished my homework ………… .

Cevap : a) yet

#3. …… you …… me?

Cevap : b) Have/understood

#4. I have …… my keys.

Cevap : b) lost

#5. We have lived in this city …… 5 years.

Cevap : b) for

#6. First, …….., Third, ……..

Cevap : e) Second / Fourth

#7. He has worked in this bank …. 2010.

Cevap : a) since

#8. She has finished ten books …. .

Cevap : d) up to now

#9. I …… fifteen countries so far.

Cevap : c) have seen

#10. ……. ever seen Japan?

Cevap : e) Have you




Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1

Ünite – 8

Where’s He Gone?

Ata-Aöf Yabancı Dil -1

Ünite – 8

Where’s He Gone?

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Where's He Gone?

Where’s He Gone?

Yabancı Dil 1

Ünite -8

1. We have lived in this city …… 5 years.

a) since
b) for
c) just
d) already
e) yet

Cevap : b) for

2. I have …… my keys.

a) lose
b) lost
c) losing
d) losed
e) loses

Cevap : b) lost

3. He has worked in this bank …. 2010.

a) since
b) for
c) yet
d) already
e) so far

Cevap : a) since

4. I …… fifteen countries so far.

a) see
b) saw
c) have seen
d) am seeing
e) seeing

Cevap : c) have seen

5. ……. ever seen Japan?

a) Is you
b) You are
c) Are you
d) You have
e) Have you

Cevap : e) Have you

6. She has finished ten books …. .

a) just
b) yet
c) already
d) up to now
e) since

Cevap : d) up to now

7. I haven’t finished my homework ………… .

a) yet
b) for
c) since
d) already
e) just

Cevap : a) yet

8. …… you …… me?

a) Are/understand
b) Have/understood
c) Do/understands
d) Are/understanding
e) Do/understanding

Cevap : b) Have/understood

9. First, …….., Third, ……..

a) Three/Four
b) Thirth/Fourthieth
c) Threeth/ Forth
d) Fourth/Second
e) Second/Fourth

Cevap : e) Second/Fourth

10. I have studied at university for two years, so this is my …… year at university.

a) first
b) fourth
c) third
d) second
e) fifth

Cevap : c) third

Atatürk Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce 1 Güz dönemi

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Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemi – LOLONOLO

Ata Aöf - Yabancı Dil 1 , İngilizce, Where's He Gone?

Atatürk Üniersitesi açıköğretim fakülesi ingilizce sınav soruları



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