auzefİngilizceYabancı Dİl

Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular

Yabancı Dil – 2 Çıkan Sorular

Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular

Üç Ders Soruları 2017-2018
1 -) “Topumu kim aldı?” Çevirisi ?
Cevap : Who took my ball ?
2-) “What time will you come?” Çevirisi ?
Cevap : Ne zaman geleceksin ?
3-) Tom ……….a newspaper when Jane saw him.
Cevap : Was reading
4-) Jane ………with her friends , since 2010.
Cevap : Has stayed
5-) When i was a child , i …… , but now i can’t.
Cevap : Could run
6-) If Thomas were rich , he ………. a very big
Cevap : Would buy / Could buy (Şıklarda hangisi
varsa o doğru)
7-) – What………… at 07:00 , yesterday ?
-I was cleaning the house.
Cevap : Were you doing
😎 Change , Feel , Walk (Türkçeleri )
Cevap : Değiştirmek , Hissetmek , Yürümek
9-) “When Thomas finished his homework , Jane
was cooking ” Çevirisi ?
Cevap : Thomas ödevini bitirdiğinde Jane yemek
10-) Thomas ………..lahmacun before.
Cevap : Has eaten / Hasn’t eaten
11-) Thomas …… France since 2004
Cevap : Has lived
12-) – ……..?
– I have learnt French for ten years.
Cevap : How long have you learnt French ?
13-) Jane doesn’t eat orange but she ………eat
when she was 10.
Cevap : Used to
14-) – ……are you watching the film ?
-At the cinema.
Cevap : Where
15-) ……..Thomas arrived the cinema , we were
watching the film.
Cevap : When
16-)- …… you go to the school ?
-By bus
Cevap : How
Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
Bütünleme Soruları
1)You can do ıt ……………..
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) myself
B) herself
C) ourselves
D) yourself
E) himself
Cevap: A) myself
1) ………… sleeping yesterday?
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Is
B) Does
C) Were
D) Are
E) Do
Cevap: C) Were
3)……………you help me with this homework?
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Did
B) Are
C) Does
D) Do
E) Can
Cevap: E) Can
4)Eskiden cep telefonu kullanmazdık
Yukarıdaki cümlenin ingilizce karşılığı aşağıdakilerden
Cevap: A) We didn’t use to use a phone ın the past
5) break-begin-catch
Yukarıdaki fiillerin Türkçe anlamları sırasıyla hangisinde
doğru şekilde verilmiştir?
A) Başlamak-kırmak-gelişmek
B) Anlamak-aramak-yakalamak
C) Kırmak-başlamak-kaçırmak
D) Yakalamak-başlamak-anlamak
E) Kırmak-başlamak-yakalamak
Cevap: C) Kırmak-başlamak-kaçırmak
7)Bugün çok heyacanlıyım. Bugün bebeğim olacak.
Yukarıdaki cümlede altı çizili duygunun ingilizce karşılığı
A) excited
B) unhappy
C) angry
D) hungry
E) sad
Cevap: A) excited
Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
8) whıle I…………TV, jane was studying lesson.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) watched
B) is watching
C) watches
D) was watching
E) to watch
Cevap: D) was watching
9) Chıldren lıke watching…….for example Tom and
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) drama
B) horror films
C) soap opera
D) makeover show
E) cartoons
Cevap: E) cartoons
10) I must……. home I am lost.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) go with
B) go over
C) go off
D) go back
E) go away
Cevap: D) go back
11) far-tiny-dry
Yukarıdaki sıfatların anlamları hangisinde sırasıyla
A) Uzak-kuru-küçük
B) Eski-küçük-moda
C) Uzak-lezzetli-zengin
D) Uzak-küçük-kuru
E) Eski moda-kirli-kuru
Cevap: D) Uzak-küçük-kuru
12) She behaves me……………she is a bad girl.
Yukarıdaki boşluğa hangisi gelebilir?
A) good
B) shy
C) badly
D) nice
E) wondeful
Cevap: C) badly
13) A:ıs there………….time to talk dear?
B:Oh, sorry.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) how many
B) how much
C) enough
D) a
E) an
Cevap: C) enough
14) Do you have……….car?
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) those
Cevap: A) a
15) Çok “uykulu” görünüyorsun. Bence uyuman lazım.
Yukarıdaki cümlede altı çizili kelimenin ingilizce karşılığı
A) excited
B) unhappy
C) angry
D) hungry
E) sleepy
Cevap: E) sleepy
16) If you…………..water,it turns into a general rule.
Yukarıdaki cümlede yer alan boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) boils
B) boil
C) bolled
D) to boll
E) boling
Cevap: B) boil
17) Peter……………. now look!
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) painted
B) is painting
C) Painting
D) Paint
E) Paints
Cevap: B) is painting
18) They…………..the accident yesterday.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) see
B) saw
C) sees
D) did see
E) seeing
Cevap: B) saw
19) If we go for dinner, Simon………for ous.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) cooked
B) cooking
C) will cook
D) aren’t cooking
E) didn’t cook
Cevap: C) will cook
20) ………….. she doing cleaning yesterday?
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Was
B) Is
C) Am
D) Do
E) Are
Cevap: A) Was
Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
Bütünleme Soruları1-) ……you check your notes every day ?
Cevap : Do
2-) This isn’t my house.It is ……
Cevap : Yours
3-)What ……when i called you ?
Cevap : Were you doing
4-) Catch : Yakalama Call : Aramak Understand :
5-) While David ……..he burned himself.
Cevap : Was cooking
6-) If Peter does his homework , the teacher ……him
Cevap : Loves
7-) She is ……beautiful and friendly.I love her.
Cevap : Very
8-)She is ill.She can’t walk …..
Cevap : Fastly
9-)The plane …….at 05:00 p.m
Cevap : Is arriving
10-)She …… the school , at that time yesterday.
Cevap : Was going / Wasn’t going
11 ) If you ……..too much , you will be fat.
Cevap : Eat
12-) I don’t like to ……because i don’t like playing an
Cevap : Music
13-) When David arrived at home , his parents……….Tv.
Cevap : Were watching
14-) ……..Helen happy , yesterday ?
Cevap : Was
15-)Mary is ……..than kate.
Cevap : Fatter
16-) Jack ……..his grandparents next week.
Cevap : Will visit
17-)She …… the moment.
Cevap : Is sleeping / Isn’t sleeping
18-) What …….she doing when you saw she ?
Cevap : Was
19-) When he……me , i was talking to Peter.
Cevap : Saw
20-) I am sad.I …… exam , last day.
Cevap : Failed
Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
2018 Final

1-) “Tom eskiden geç uyanırdı” Çeviri ?

Cevap : Tom used to get up early.
3-) It is not Tom’s car.It is …….
Cevap : Mine
4-) Jennifer …….. breakfast late yesterday morning.
Cevap : Ate
5-) There are …….tables and chairs to sit.Everybody
can come.
Cevap : Enough
7-)……..Jack ill , last Monday ?
Cevap : Was
😎 He doesn’t drink coke but now he ………
Cevap : Is drinking
9-) l could not go out.Because it was……
Cevap : Raining
10-)She was …….so she didn’t eat anything.
Cevap : Shy
11-) If i …….. money , i will eat out with my family.
Cevap : Get
12-) He ……sleeping at 10:00 a.m yesterday.
Cevap : Was
13-) ……..Helen ill , last week? She didn’t come to
Cevap : Was
14-) You shouldn’t go out.It is ……..
Cevap : Raining
15-)While Jane ……….English , i called him.
Cevap : Was studying
16-) While Thomas ……….a thief broke the window.
Cevap : Was sleeping
17-) Yesterday , i was ………the house .
Cevap : Cleaning
18-) She is …….because she didn’t eat anything.
Cevap : Hungry
19-) I prefer …… home.
Cevap : To stay
20-) You can do your homework …….
Cevap : Yourself.
Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
2018 Final
1. Halen……… listening to teacher she was testing
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) ısn’t
B) Doesn’t
C) Didin’t
D) Wasn’t
E) Hasn’t
Cevap: D) Wasn’t
2.Susan is very hardworkining she studıes………..
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) late
B) hard
C) fast
D) easily
E) quitely
Cevap: C) fast
3. Yestarday I was………. to school
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) going
B) Will go
C) go
D) goes
E) to go
Cevap: C) go
4. I am not used to living alone.
Yukarıdaki cümlenin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden
A) Yanlız yaşamaya aloşkınım
B) Yanlız yaşamayı sevmem
C) Eskiden yanlız yaşadım
D) Yanlız yaşamaya alışkın değilim
E)Yanlız yaşamaya alışkın değildim
Cevap: D) Yanlız yaşamaya alışkın değilim
5.My father reads a …………. every sunday
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) facebook
B) twıter
C) google
D) newspaper
E) blogs
Cevap: D) newspaper
6. You feel……….. when your teacher gets angry with
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) embaressed
B) happy
C) excied
D) cheerful
E) hungry
Cevap: C) excied
7. Dave………… Englısh exam leest weekend and he
passed ıt
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) studıes
B) studied
C) study
D) is studying
E) will study
Cevap: B) studied
8. While Davıd’s parents……….. TV, he…. at home
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) watched/arrived
B) watched/arriving
C) were watching/arrived
D) is whatching/arrives
E) whatching/ arriving
Cevap: C) were watching/arrived
9. Yes, kate is my friend. She is one of……….
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) mine
B) hers
C) his
D) its
Cevap: A) mine
10. Tom is ……….. than Kate
Yukarıda yer alan cümlede boşluğa aşağıdakilerden
hangisi gelmelidir?
A) tall
B) tall than
C) the tallest
D) taller than
E) taller
Cevap: E) taller
11. She is…………….. cooking Her food is terrible
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) interested in
B)good at
C) bad at
D) eat
E) very
Cevap: C) bad at
12.If you…………. your potential, you chosee your
career better.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Knows
B) Knew
C) Will know
D) Knowing
E) Know
Cevap: E) Know
13.A:…………. she listening to musıc?
B: Yes she was
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) İs
B) Was
C) Were
D) Are
E) Do
Cevap: B) Was
14.Aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelecek zaman için
A) Yesterday
B) Once a week
C) Next year
D) Last month
E) Now
Cevap: A) Yesterday
15.A: ……………….Jane call her mother when she
arrived at home?
B: Yes she did
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) İs
B) Were
C) Are
D) Was
E) Did
Cevap: E) Did
16. If you get up early you………. your work early
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Finished
B) Finishing
C) Will finish
D) Are finishing
E) don’t finish
Cevap: C) Will finish
17.Jeremy………………. a book at the moment but
normally he doesn’t read a book in the mornings
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) read
B) Was reading
C) reading
D) reads
E) Is reading
Cevap: E) Is reading
18.She fells………… when you shout at her
Yukarıdaki boşluğa aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelebilir?
A) angry
B) cheerful
C) hungry
D) happy
E) disgusted
Cevap: A) angry
Üç Ders Sorusu
19. The weather is…………could to go out.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) to many
B) enough
C) many
D) too
E) Much
Cevap: D) too
20.Linda and Tom……..studying lesson yesterday.
They were watching TV.
Yukarıdaki cümlede boşluğu tamamlayan sözcük
A) Isn’t
B) Weren’t
C) Didn’t
D) Wasn’t
E) Doesn’t
Cevap: B) Weren’t

Yabancı Dil-2 Çıkan Sorular
Yabancı Dil-2 Anasayfa

toefl grammar



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